GONG Rules (Game Of Nine Galaxies)
From 6 years old
2 to 6 players (recommended)

The game is divided into 9 families/galaxies (PROXIMA, NEBULA, ZETA, ANDROMEDE, SERPENS, SPARROW, VIRGO, OMEGA, NEMESIS). Each family has 6 cards numbered from 1 to 6 (1: Gold, 2: Obsidian, 3: Silver, 4: Ruby, 5: Ice, 6: Amethyst).

GONG JOKER Cards: There are also 2 Joker cards called GONG JOKER, which allow players who possess them to play them during their turn to exchange their set of cards with a player of their choice. Once played, this card is discarded, except in the "GONG FAMILY" variant where the joker must be placed back into the draw pile, which will then be shuffled again. The player who played their GONG JOKER is allowed to play again. If the targeted player also has a GONG JOKER, they can play it to cancel the action. In this case, it will be the countering player's turn to play.

GONG JOKER cards can be played in any game variant.

The draw pile: The undistributed cards make up the draw pile. If there is no more draw pile, take the discarded cards, shuffle them again, and they will form the new draw pile (except for the "GONG FAMILY" variant during which no cards are discarded).

3 game variants:

For each game variant: Deal 9 cards to each player. The youngest player starts the first round and the game proceeds clockwise, with the same player order for subsequent rounds.


Draw a card from the draw pile to start, and the first player must either match the same number/Xphere or the same galaxy/background name (if all cards have been distributed, the first player can play any card they wish), and so on. If the player does not have a matching card, they must draw a card. If the drawn card matches, they can play it. The winner is the one who has no cards left in hand. A unique feature of this GONG LINK variant: when a player has only one card left, they have until their next turn to say "GONG". If someone says "GONG" for them after the next player has played, the player in question must draw a penalty card. If no one says "GONG", the game continues as normal.


The first player asks any other player for a card from a family of which they already hold one card, specifying the number (1 to 6) or color as well as the family name. If the asked player has this card, they must give it to them. The player who received the card can continue to ask for a card from any player until the asked player does not have the requested card. If the asked player does not have the requested card, the requesting player draws a card. If the drawn card matches the requested card, they can continue to play. Otherwise, it is the next player's turn, and so on. Once a family is completed, it is placed face up in front of the player who completed it. The winner is the one who has gathered the most families. In case of a tie, the player who first completed the highest number of families wins. It is forbidden to ask for a card from a family of which the player does not possess any cards.


Each player must draw a card from the draw pile in turn (if there is no draw pile, each player must place their cards face down in front of them). The player who draws a card must show it to everyone and scan the QR code on the card with a smartphone. This QR code will lead the player to a webpage that will give them their mission (give/take/place one or more cards, face another player, draw). All cards numbered 1 and 2 (yellow code) are "fight" cards and lead the QR codes to "fight" missions. All cards numbered 3 and 4 (red code) are "malus" cards and lead the QR codes to "malus" missions. All cards numbered 5 and 6 (blue code) are "bonus" cards and lead the QR codes to "bonus" missions. The player who first has no cards left will be the grand winner.

It is also possible to stay on the homepage, and at the bottom of the page, click either on "bonus cards", "fight cards", or "malus cards" according to the QR code color of the played card (blue: bonus; yellow: fight; red: malus).

"Let's GONG"